Sunday, August 8, 2010

Welcome Me...again!!!

Once again, another attempt at a blog. Will I succeed this time? I hope that I actually stick with it for once. I am quite the avid blog reader, now to just become an avid blogger.

This is going to be a fun blog. I love food. I love making it for other people more than myself, that's why I chose a culinary career.  As of now I'm a pastry intern. I was just in search of an internship so I chose this one because it was paid, but I've fallen in love. I absolutely love pastries and plating desserts. Especially in a fine dining setting. But I definitely need to work on my baking and pastry skills. So I've committed to doing something new in the dessert area once a week.

Though I love pastries now, in the beginning I wanted to be a butcher, which I still want to do. I'm actually more in the art of charcuterie. But I have only cured meat once in school. But committing to a charcuterie project once a week is too much, so I'm going to try once a month. But it won't be just pigs that I cure and preserve, hopefully a wide variety of meat gets cooked up.

Wish me luck and welcome me in! Now I need to work on a cool banner.

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