Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oatmeal...Kamut actually

What is Kamut? I just did a little research and found out that it's an ancient grain, from Egypt or something like that. Kamut is actually a trademarked name for the grain. It's actually called khorasan. I had bought a bag a while back actually, when I was considering veganism, but never opened it. I hope it still tastes the same, seeing as how it was never opened, I don't think it would have gone stale, well let's hope not!

Anyway, the whole point of this post was to say that I tried my Kamut. It was different, I think I like good ole' oatmeal better, but Kamut is good for the days that I want to spice things up. Also, I thought I'd try it with savory foods instead of making it sweet. I ate it with a slice of American cheese and a some ham. It didn't work out so well. I ended up having to add salt and some sesame oil. I think oatmeal would have been okay savory-style, but the Kamut was a bit on the sweet side, even without any added sweet!

Also, sneak peak! I think this week I'm going to make Momfuku's Crack Pie! I'm interested to see if it's as addicting as the drug it's named after. Hopefully I'll get to it on Saturday, after a little farmer's market-ing, and right before work.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

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